
Bezmięsny (eng. meatless) offers vegan products, including sausages, bacon, gyros, hamburgers, kebabs, pepperoni, etc.

Our goal was to make these products stand out from the competition, open the door to sales in large retail chains, and build an engaged and loyal community of consumers around the brand.


The logo

Bezmięsny & Plenty Reasons

The brand has two names for two markets—Bezmięsny for the Polish market and Plenty Reasons for foreign countries. After rebranding, the brand began its international expansion. We have two different-sounding names that we've designed in a visually cohesive way.


The Brand Power Illustrations

lllustration is a powerful tool that shapes and distinguishes the brand identity

We created illustrated characters, drawn in a fresh and humorous style. Each character has attributes that correspond with the product category and taste, helping customers find what they are looking for (this is very helpful in the case of an extensive product series and various product lines). Illustrations help customers find products and notice that the brand offers many flavors. They also allow for unconventional communication with the audience.



Grab me and savor the rich, fresh vegan taste!

The product is intended for those who can’t or don’t want to eat meat but are looking for a similar taste. That’s why the idea is to show meat products in a fun vegetable form. We tell the customer—you don’t need to give up your favorite flavors, but you have 100% guarantee that you’re not eating any products of animal origin. Be part of an engaged community for a better world—act together with us!

Creative Direction


Design & Illustrations: Magdalena Burdzyńska / Podpunkt




Polish Graphic Design Award

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