ICCARE—reaserch program visual identity

ICCARE is a French research program that supports the cultural and creative industries in their digital, economic, and social transformation. Led by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the program aims to foster collaboration between research communities in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and computer science.

The brand identity of ICCARE, including the program logo, reflects the spirit of the artistic and creative industry. The design explains the complex structure of the program—a division of industries and areas of action with a system of graphic motifs and colors that help organize and identify them.

Prints design

The project includes: the logo, logo animation, poster layouts for sectors and areas of action, printed materials—programs, leaflets, conference badges, pins, website, and visual communication for social media.

Creative Direction

Diana Makulska


Designers: Diana Makulska, Emilka Bojańczyk, Ewa Najnigier-Galińska
Motion designer: Diana Makulska & Ewa Najnigier-Galińska
Business: Magdalena Dobruk


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)


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