
We treat our projects like math problems: analyse, think, search for ideas…

And come up with the best solution.


is for Strategy

Podpunkt specialises in design systems—a functional and analytic approach is central to our understanding of design.

Our approach is also influenced by the fact that we are both a design studio and a digital agency under one roof. We employ UX methods and thinking in our design process. 

Above all, we believe in goal-driven design. Branding & visual identity boost communication, and should help achieve our clients’ goals.

This is why we start our process by defining the strategic goals of the institution and how our expertise fits into this strategy. From this, we derive the goals of our design work. They serve as a roadmap throughout the process, insuring that our work meets the objectives and needs of our client.


5 countries
2 Continents

Talks Interface Design / Course at University of Warsaw
What good is a logo? / Course at Warsaw Design Lab
Branding / Course at Gengdan Academy of Design, Beijing


We Are Museums


Element Talks

Polish Graphic Design Talks


Design Encounters

Element Talks

If there’s no idea, design won’t help


How We Work

Discovery phase

  • Workshops with the client
  • Desk research of the competition and best practices
  • Analysis of the goals and situation of the institution
  • Inputs: information about the strategy of the institution, time from key stakeholders for workshops
  • Outputs: Brief detailing the situation and objectives of the project

Strategy & Concept phase

  • Proposed strategy for the visual communication
  • Key concept for the visual identity and tone of voice
  • Inputs: Accepted “Discovery brief”
  • Outputs: Brief detailing the strategy and concept of the visual identity

Key visual & logo development

  • Proposed visual solutions within the accepted strategy & concept
  • Corrections and finalisation of the chosen key visual and logo
  • Inputs: Choice of visual line from the initial proposals, corrections and accept of the final key visual
  • Outputs: Key visual & logo initial proposals, corrections on one chosen version, final key visual & logo design presentation

Pilot implementation

  • Implementation of 3 chosen key promotional materials
  • Final corrections to the brand guidelines resulting from the implementation process
  • Inputs: Texts and guidelines for pilot materials, feedback on pilot materials
  • Outputs: Design and final files for pilot materials, amends to the key visual

Full implementation

  • Implementation of the full range of promotional materials
  • Design guidebook & rules
  • Workshop with NDHPS regarding use of the materials and rules
  • Handover of all files and elements of the identity
  • Inputs: texts and guidelines for all materials
  • Outputs: Design and final files for all materials, design guidebook, logo files, illustration files

Last Step

Sit Back & Enjoy!

In the first three months, we doubled sales and saw positive growth in social media results...

Mateusz Kowalczyk CEO & Co-Founder Foodsi


5 countries
2 Continents

brand vision, mission, brand values, competition and brand differentiators

brand messaging, key messages, tone of voice

planning and communicating change within the team, understanding employee needs in the context of brand identity, brand values, and organizational culture

digital communication messaging, content structure, functionalities that support the messaging

Chosen clients

5 countries
2 Continents

National Museum in Kraków
National Museum in Warsaw
The Royal Castle in Warsaw
City of Warsaw
City of Sopot
University of Warsaw
Warsaw University of Technology
Association of Marketing Communication SAR

Hagi Cosmetics
Kotlina Natury
Most Elements

Centre National de Recherche Scientifique
Universite Paris-Saclay
Global Leaders Institute
Orchestra of the Americas Group

Overall, this is a really strong identity that doesn’t conform to the traditional big museum or big gallery identity standards of black, sans serif type and instead opts for something more unique...

Armin Vitt,

Brand New